100 点満点 ( 合格点 70 点 )
無色の colorless colorful tasutlis tasteless rikidu liquid ninety ninty fresh water salt water stack up 〜 go without 〜 bilion billion living things 無味の colorless colorful tasutlis tasteless rikidu liquid ninety ninty fresh water salt water stack up 〜 go without 〜 bilion billion living things 液体 colorless colorful tasutlis tasteless rikidu liquid ninety ninty fresh water salt water stack up 〜 go without 〜 bilion billion living things 90 colorless colorful tasutlis tasteless rikidu liquid ninety ninty fresh water salt water stack up 〜 go without 〜 bilion billion living things 海水 colorless colorful tasutlis tasteless rikidu liquid ninety ninty fresh water salt water stack up 〜 go without 〜 bilion billion living things 淡水 colorless colorful tasutlis tasteless rikidu liquid ninety ninty fresh water salt water stack up 〜 go without 〜 bilion billion living things 生物 colorless colorful tasutlis tasteless rikidu liquid ninety ninty fresh water salt water stack up 〜 go without 〜 bilion billion living things 〜なしで過ごす colorless colorful tasutlis tasteless rikidu liquid ninety ninty fresh water salt water stack up 〜 go without 〜 bilion billion living things 10億 colorless colorful tasutlis tasteless rikidu liquid ninety ninty fresh water salt water stack up 〜 go without 〜 bilion billion living things 〜をつなげる colorless colorful tasutlis tasteless rikidu liquid ninety ninty fresh water salt water stack up 〜 go without 〜 bilion billion living things
伸びる stretch strech bottled water done convinient convenient grab 〜 sugary soda sugarly soda toss out 〜 conpared with 〜 compared with 〜 ボトルの水 stretch strech bottled water done convinient convenient grab 〜 sugary soda sugarly soda toss out 〜 conpared with 〜 compared with 〜 便利だ stretch strech bottled water done convinient convenient grab 〜 sugary soda sugarly soda toss out 〜 conpared with 〜 compared with 〜 〜をつかむ stretch strech bottled water done convinient convenient grab 〜 sugary soda sugarly soda toss out 〜 conpared with 〜 compared with 〜 〜を捨て去る stretch strech bottled water done convinient convenient grab 〜 sugary soda sugarly soda toss out 〜 conpared with 〜 compared with 〜 済む stretch strech bottled water done convinient convenient grab 〜 sugary soda sugarly soda toss out 〜 conpared with 〜 compared with 〜 砂糖の入ったソーダ stretch strech bottled water done convinient convenient grab 〜 sugary soda sugarly soda toss out 〜 conpared with 〜 compared with 〜 〜と比べると stretch strech bottled water done convinient convenient grab 〜 sugary soda sugarly soda toss out 〜 conpared with 〜 compared with 〜
水道水 spring stream striem filter nesesarily necesarily necessarily tap water top water kitchen sink contain contein germ make sure フィルター spring stream striem filter nesesarily necesarily necessarily tap water top water kitchen sink contain contein germ make sure 泉 spring stream striem filter nesesarily necesarily necessarily tap water top water kitchen sink contain contein germ make sure 小川 spring stream striem filter nesesarily necesarily necessarily tap water top water kitchen sink contain contein germ make sure 必ずしも spring stream striem filter nesesarily necesarily necessarily tap water top water kitchen sink contain contein germ make sure キッチンの流し spring stream striem filter nesesarily necesarily necessarily tap water top water kitchen sink contain contein germ make sure 確かめる spring stream striem filter nesesarily necesarily necessarily tap water top water kitchen sink contain contein germ make sure 含む spring stream striem filter nesesarily necesarily necessarily tap water top water kitchen sink contain contein germ make sure ばい菌 spring stream striem filter nesesarily necesarily necessarily tap water top water kitchen sink contain contein germ make sure
化学物質 ban the rest company test as strictly chemical inspire criticism critisism aboid avoid landfill 会社 ban the rest company test as strictly chemical inspire criticism critisism aboid avoid landfill 厳しいようにテストする ban the rest company test as strictly chemical inspire criticism critisism aboid avoid landfill 批判 ban the rest company test as strictly chemical inspire criticism critisism aboid avoid landfill 残り ban the rest company test as strictly chemical inspire criticism critisism aboid avoid landfill 埋立地 ban the rest company test as strictly chemical inspire criticism critisism aboid avoid landfill 衝撃を与える ban the rest company test as strictly chemical inspire criticism critisism aboid avoid landfill 禁止する ban the rest company test as strictly chemical inspire criticism critisism aboid avoid landfill 避ける ban the rest company test as strictly chemical inspire criticism critisism aboid avoid landfill
必需品 growing problem soar sour beberage beverage contribute to 〜 nesesity necesity necessity for free from free wind end wind off wind up obesity obisity 飲料 growing problem soar sour beberage beverage contribute to 〜 nesesity necesity necessity for free from free wind end wind off wind up obesity obisity 〜に寄与する growing problem soar sour beberage beverage contribute to 〜 nesesity necesity necessity for free from free wind end wind off wind up obesity obisity 肥満 growing problem soar sour beberage beverage contribute to 〜 nesesity necesity necessity for free from free wind end wind off wind up obesity obisity 大きくなっている問題 growing problem soar sour beberage beverage contribute to 〜 nesesity necesity necessity for free from free wind end wind off wind up obesity obisity 上昇する growing problem soar sour beberage beverage contribute to 〜 nesesity necesity necessity for free from free wind end wind off wind up obesity obisity ただで growing problem soar sour beberage beverage contribute to 〜 nesesity necesity necessity for free from free wind end wind off wind up obesity obisity 終える growing problem soar sour beberage beverage contribute to 〜 nesesity necesity necessity for free from free wind end wind off wind up obesity obisity